8 Applications of Hydraulic Systems in Daily Life

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In layman’s terms, hydraulic systems work by using pressurized fluid (usually based on oil or water) to create repetitive movement. They are known for their efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and versatility. Indeed, they can be used in a variety of applications. Hydraulic systems are common in large industrial settings, including the construction, logging, manufacturing, and robotics industries.

However, did you know that there are also plenty of hydraulic systems at work every day, even when you’re at home? That’s right. You don’t need to go to a big construction site or a steel processing plant to witness hydraulic systems in action. Here are just a few examples of the daily applications of hydraulic systems:

Cars and Various Automotive Industry Applications

A car is chock-full of hydraulic systems. For one, a hydraulic brake circuit is responsible for operating a car’s brakes. Hydraulics is also at play in an automobile’s suspension system, particularly in the shock absorbers, as well as the power steering system. The windshield wipers are also powered by hydraulics. And this is only for the automobile itself.

In automotive repair, various power and hand tools also make use of hydraulic systems. Perhaps the most visible application of hydraulics, however, can be seen in two- and four-post lifts used to lift cars for inspections and servicing. The portable jack you keep in your car for emergencies is also an example of a hydraulic system at work.

Gasoline Pumps

Have you ever wondered how gasoline pumps work? Hydraulics is the answer! Hydraulic systems draw the fuel from the storage tank and into your car. Then, once you reach a specified amount, a computer “tells” the pump to stop drawing the fuel from the storage tank.

Office Chairs and Other Seats

Office chairs are ergonomic wonders. They can be adjusted up or down to accommodate your height, not to mention leaned back to help you relax or support your spine. You have hydraulics to thank for these features of your office chair. Barbers’ chairs also use hydraulics systems, along with bar stools and similar chairs with adjustable heights.

Amusement Park Rides

Do you love amusement park rides? Hydraulic systems are largely responsible for keeping these fun and thrilling rides safe. Indeed, hydraulic systems can be designed to handle high amounts of force and repeated motions. Moreover, they can also release a lot of force with high precision. This level of precision is necessary to turn, push or lift, and speed up these amusement park rides in a controlled manner to ensure your safety.

Hydraulic systems are also at play in various safety features in the rides themselves. For example, the bars or harnesses that automatically lower and lock into place to keep you in your roller coaster seat are also powered by hydraulics.


For those who enjoy going to the theatre, you’d be surprised to know that hydraulics are part of the performance as well. For one, there are theatres that use hydraulics to control the raising and lowering of the curtains. Hydraulics can also raise or lower stages, move heavy props, and create other practical effects that help create a beautiful show.


Since their invention in the 1880s, lifts have become ubiquitous. We see and use them so often that we hardly wonder what makes them work. Most lifts work like a pulley, using a heavy-duty metal rope with a counterweight on the other end. This counterweight helps balance the lift’s car.

However, there are also lifts powered by hydraulic systems. Aptly called hydraulic lifts, these are powered by a piston inside a cylinder. An electric motor pumps oil into the cylinder, moving the piston which then lifts the cab. To go back down, an electrical valve gently releases the hydraulic oil.


Do you have a dishwasher at home? You probably didn’t know that there are some dishwasher models that are powered by hydraulics. These dishwashers use hydraulics to increase water pressure, making them more effective at removing stubborn grease and food debris. These models of dishwashers are also quieter.

Trash Compactors

Waste management is a global concern. Indeed, landfills all over the world are running out of space to hold our trash while we work hard toward a greener, sustainable solutions. In the meantime, hydraulic systems can help ease the pressure. Garbage trucks and compactors, through the use of hydraulic power, can compress large amounts of waste so that it occupies less space. This can help slow down the rate at which landfills get filled up. It’s not a permanent solution, obviously. However, it’s an interim fix that can make things more manageable.

It might sound too technical or heavy-duty, but that’s actually the beauty of hydraulics. It can perform various tasks efficiently, allowing it to perform well in many useful situations. If you have any questions about hydraulic systems and its applications, you can get in touch with Hydraulic Solutions & Sales. You’ll be amazed by how much more you can accomplish with hydraulic technology.