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All posts by Steel Technology


What is waterjet cutting?

No heat zone for metal cutting Waterjet cutting machines are very popular for 2D flat plate cutting, even in heavy-plate applications like steel service centers, equipment makers, and fabricators. Waterjet cutting is renowned for its straight cuts and absence of heat affected zones. Let’s look

Type Of Tube Bender Machine

Tube or pipe bending is required in a variety of industries. With the correct machine, it can be done precisely and efficiently. While most heavy-duty benders are designated for larger enterprises and machine shops, several are more economical and practical and may be used by

How To Perfectly Hedge Against Rising Steel Prices?

According to Investopedia, in 2021, the demand for steel increased by 2.7%. While factors like Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have seen the steel industry become disrupted, as both countries have traditionally been two of the world’s biggest steel exporters, and demand has dropped a little

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Launching Your Steel Business: A Step-by-Step Guide to Success

Image source: Launching a steel business involves tapping into one of the world’s most vital industries. Steel forms the backbone of construction, transportation, and manufacturing. Entrepreneurs entering this field must understand supply chains, production techniques, and market demands. It’s more than just melting iron;