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Category Archives: Safety Measures

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Essential Safety Tips for Cleaning and Managing Grain Silos

After a few relatively safe years, grain entrapment and consequent deaths have again spiked in the last two years. For example, 27% more reports of grain entrapment were reported in 2019, as compared to 2018. More alarmingly, a higher death toll in grain silos was

caution | steel industries

Main Safety Hazards Industry Workers Face

Every person who’s in a workplace face hazards but knowing which ones to really be aware of could save your life. By identifying important risks, you are helping yourself be better prepared for avoiding accidents, injuries, and damage to the workplace. You will be one

Construction workers saferty

Important Safety Measures for Construction Workers

Construction work is considered to be one of the most dangerous occupations. Workers are surrounded with a lot of hazards, vulnerable to things that can incapacitate them temporarily or permanently. It is a good thing they have the skills to avoid work accidents. For instance,