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Category Archives: Steel in Architecture

Why Steel Is Still Used In Construction

Obvious as it is, steel is the most reliable material that can be used to form the skeleton of any building or structure and also keep its foundation strong. It is also the most regarded alloy in civil engineering due to its versatile mechanical and


What You Need to Know About Steel ?

Steel buildings are meant to be more than just warehouses. Armstrong Steel buildings, especially, are durable and much more affordable per square foot than you might think. The cost varies and will depend on such things as size, finishing options, structural loads, and design. However,

Steel for Art: From Design to Installations

Steel is emerging fast as a choice for building design equipment – a garnish for furniture and artworks. It has become a frequent choice among artists, designers and buyers. The limits of technology thus are being pushed to give body to artistic expressions. Fitted interiors

Glass Stronger and Tougher than Steel

A new damage-tolerant metallic glass, demonstrating a strength and toughness beyond that of any known material developed and tested by a collaboration of researchers with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and the California Institute of Technology. In the