Key Innovations To Import In 2020 And Beyond

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What could be more important for the import/export trade than figuring out where the next biggest innovations will be taking place – and harnessing their popularity to boost your own shipping fortunes? It’s absolutely fundamental to seizing a market share in the modern business era, and so peering into your crystal ball every now and then can really help you understand where, when and how to import innovations for the country in which you reside. This article is all about those innovations and how you can be at the forefront of shipping them across the world.


The environment is a primary concern to many governments and consumers across the world, and one large element of their strategies to tackle this emerges from battery power. Batteries are now being used in electric cars, trucks and even trains, as well as thousands of other products that are making the transition to more efficient and eco-friendly ways of operating.

You may choose to link up with lithium mines and their products, or instead find suppliers of some of the more important elements to help the manufacture of batteries in a future that seems set on electric power. Check out this electrodeposited copper foil supplier to understand the precision and quality of metals required for the production of reliable batteries. These products are available to buy in bulk for exporting or importing and are quality assured by their trusted status in the market. Batteries are the future – so investing now will help you steal a march on your competitors.

Chinese Technology

Technology is such a wide-ranging topic that it can help to focus on the destination of its production, rather than the technology itself. It’s been a well-known fact for decades that China is a key exporter, with thousands of shipping crates leaving its ports per day. But what’s really fascinating is their transition to a high-tech manufacturing strategy, exporting mobile phones, tablets, televisions and other devices instead of plastic toys and trinkets.

As such, this is the Chinese market to move resolutely into the digital age. Start establishing partnerships with the technology companies that you see making cutting-edge devices for a western market, and begin importing their products in order to build a brighter future for your firm.

Solar Panels and Wind Turbines

Protests and high-profile pleas from celebrities and politicians have led to the adoption of green policies across the world. These policies aim to phase out fossil fuel power in the next fifteen to fifty years, which means that the likes of wind turbines and solar panels are going to be flying across the world with greater frequency, in order to adequately build sustainable energy sources for the future.

With this knowledge in hand and with your own green commitments to maintain, it’s important to consider how you can help facilitate this global effort to go carbon-neutral in the coming years. You can certainly do so by partnering with some of the more impressive carbon-offsetting and carbon-neutral technologies coming your way.

These tips should give you food for thought on the high seas of trade into 2020 and beyond.