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Steel for Art: From Design to Installations

Steel is emerging fast as a choice for building design equipment – a garnish for furniture and artworks. It has become a frequent choice among artists, designers and buyers. The limits of technology thus are being pushed to give body to artistic expressions. Fitted interiors

Steel for a better environment

Steel for a Better Environment

Let’s Build an Emission Free World and an Eco-Friendly Environment The usual way of making steel gives rise to a tremendous amount of green house gases that trap heat into the atmosphere and prevent it from escaping. However, a new method of steel production that MIT has

Demand for steel to double by 2020?

Demand for Steel to Double by 2020?

Amid signs of a global economic recovery, world steel producers are seeing a growing demand for steel. At their annual industry meeting in Sao Paulo, they predicted stronger markets but also fiercer competition. According to an industry report released at the annual meeting of global