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Steel Recycling For a Sustainable Future

Steel scrap is still steel! Steel is probably the only material that is almost 100% recyclable. The world collectively produces around 1.6 billion metric tons of steel and consumes 1.5 billion metric tons. As per the World Steel Association, in 2012, the world recycled around

More Growth Is to Be Expected in Q3 and Q4

2017 has been a great year for the steel industry so far. We recently reported Japan steelmakers increased earnings for this fiscal year, showing solid growth in profit and positive signs of future developments. The same trend can be seen in the steel industry around

4 ways steel changed the world

Steel has thousands of applications across a swathe of sectors. It’s a vital industry that’s part of the fabric of life for millions across the globe. But we shouldn’t forget that in many ways the modern world was forged from steel. So here are four

The Future With Graphene

Over the centuries, humans have developed an amazing array of skills in design and construction. We’ve discovered how to support huge structures on small bases, create machinery that can handle incredible amounts of wear and force, and fight back against the elements with the systems

The New Titanium Super-Steel

Steel, owing to its strength, affordability and ease-of-production, has been the most dominant Iron alloy and has been mechanizing our industries for several decades now, replacing other Iron compositions. However, even Steel, the backbone of our Civilization, is evolving along with newer technologies and necessities.

Steel Fabrication And Its General Applications

Steel fabrication is widely used in all industrial sectors. Steel is also the most produced and commonly used iron alloy. The year 2015 saw 1,599.5 million metric tons of the manmade alloy production. China, Japan, and India produce and consume the highest percentage of Steel.