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Category Archives: Analytical Equipment for Steelmaking

Steel: The New Eco-Friendly Trend for Homebuyers

Steel has become an increasingly popular trend for today’s economically-wise and eco-friendly homebuyers. Particularly for those interested in building their dream homes from the ground up. It may be hard to fathom the idea of steel housing or using steel building materials because when you

The Need for Welding

Welding Welding is the creation or sculpting procedure that connects material, generally metal or thermodynamic plastics, by utilizing high temperatures to dissolve the pieces into each other and enabling them to chill, which causes unification. Welding is different from cooler temp material-uniting methods like soldering

Why the Romans Were Right About Arched Buildings

There are two forms of designs for steel buildings: rigid and arched steel buildings. With the arch type, steel is joined together in a semi-circular shape to help support the structure. In terms of technology, arches have been used for centuries due to the engineering


Electric Arc Furnace | Steel Industry

Steelmaking is a herculean task which needs a lot of labor and is a time-consuming process. There are various ways of steelmaking and one such is the Electric Arc Furnace in short referred to as EAF. In the beginning, EAF steelmaking was developed for making

Construction workers saferty

Important Safety Measures for Construction Workers

Construction work is considered to be one of the most dangerous occupations. Workers are surrounded with a lot of hazards, vulnerable to things that can incapacitate them temporarily or permanently. It is a good thing they have the skills to avoid work accidents. For instance,

ERW Pipes and Tubes

What are ERW Pipes and Tubes in Steel Industry?

D.P. Jindal Group’s is the manufacturer of ERW pipes. The ERW pipes (Electrical Resistance Welding) are made by cold forming of steel coil into a circle cylindrical shape. In the starting stage, to heat the edges, low frequency A.C. is used.  With changing times, high

Extractive Metallurgy in Steel

Metallurgy is a domain of metallic elements physical and chemical behavior and a whole, it is technology of metals that is applied to practical use. There are various types in this metallurgy process that are applied at various stages or purposes. Extractive metallurgy is the

Casting Without Coatings – Vision or Reality?

Casting Without Coatings – Vision or Reality?

The demands on the foundry industry become more exacting every day. Globalization not only opens up new markets and opportunities, but it also creates an enormous squeeze on costs. Only those who succeed in enhancing productivity can withstand this growing cost pressure, however, only if