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On-site Fabrication

Gearing Up for an On-Site Fabrication Project

The majority of today’s steel-based projects are pre-fabricated, which means companies can utilize their own production facility to produce the necessary items. The only task required on-site is assembly. With most projects, assembly is very straightforward and requires only a small team of trained workers.


CMMS for Steel Business

When it comes to various business maintenance, we are often seeking out the tool that will do it all. While an industry-specific tool would be most helpful, we aren’t always that lucky to have such tools at hand. That’s where CMMS software can come in

Steel and Building

Steel and Buildings

The demand for steel to be used as a material for building is growing in the construction industry. The high strength, adaptation to prefabrication, ductility, speed of erection, and more have always been characteristics that are attractive to developers and consultants. Today, construction projects tend


In Airplanes, Lighter is not Always Better

There’s a saying in the aircraft manufacturing industry: “Lighter is better.” After all, with lighter parts, comes huge savings for the airlines that operate the aircraft. It all comes down to fuel efficiency after all. According to a press release in 2012 by the IATA,

The Future of UK Steel: Hanging In The Balance

The Future of UK Steel: Hanging In The Balance

The steel industry has been facing a tough time in Britain. As the entire industry threatens to collapse, thousands of jobs are at stake. If this all sounds like you’ve heard it before, then chances are you lived through the 80s. In that decade of